I'm so excited to share my newest book with you--Revelation is My Flashlight! I was inspired to write this book because I know personal revelation is so important. Another big part of the inspiration for this book came from these words from President Nelson: "In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost. My beloved brothers and sisters, I plead with you to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation." I believe these words are true and I hope this new story inspires you and your little ones to learn to walk with God a little more each day.
To kick off the launch of Revelation is My Flashlight, an awesome group of bookstagrammers and bloggers will be reviewing and talking about Revelation is My Flashlight from September 13-27th. This digital book tour will also include fun facts, lovely photos, and a book giveaway. You can enter the book giveaway here! (available in the US/Canada only) Follow along with the tour here: Sep 13 - @my.bounteous.bookshelf Sep 14 - Heidi Reads Sep 15 - @mybookaday and @mommingonpurpose Sep 16 - @wishfulendings Sep 17 - @books.glorious.books Sep 18 - Life Is What It's Called Sep 19 - @singinglibrarianbooks Sep 20 - Empower Moms Sep 21 - @betterbookbureau Sep 22 - Bookworm Lisa Sep 24 - @reading_past.bedtime Sep 25 - @melissas_bookshelf Sep 27 - @lovelybookishdelights
Hi readers! I can't wait to share my newest book with you, My Testimony Tree, all about how to grow and nurture your own faith daily, just like caring for a new tree.
Over the next two weeks, bloggers, reviewers, and other creators will be sharing about My Testimony Tree as part of the tour. There will also be fun giveaways, so make sure to follow along! Here is the tour schedule: Nov 29 - @reading_past.bedtime on IG Nov 30 - @lovelybookishdelights on IG Dec 1 - @normanbookseries on IG Dec 2 - Life is What it's Called Dec 3 - @betterbookbureau on IG Dec 4 - Singing Librarian Books Dec 5 - Wishful Endings Dec 6 - @afewofmyfavoritereads on IG Dec 7 - @latterdayparents on IG Dec 8 - Heidi Reads Dec 9 - @books.glorious.books on IG Dec 10 - @melissas_bookshelf on IG Dec 11 - Bookworm Lisa Dec 12 - @my.bounteous.bookshelf on IG Dec 13 - Min Reads and Reviews Join me and two fellow authors tonight as we celebrate the release of our new books. We'll be hosting a book chat, doing giveaways, and sharing fun freebies. Hope to see you there!
8:30 pm MDT on Facebook Live here! I decided to jump into the #FallWritingFrenzy contest on Twitter for the first time this year, and it was so much fun! We had to choose from a set of pictures, and then write a story of 200 words or fewer inspired by the photo. And here is mine, inspired by the cute little pup above (yes--I know it's not a pug, but I love pugs and the photo still inspired me!)
5 Little Pug Pups Going Trick or Treat By Sierra Wilson (To the tune of “5 Little Pumpkins”) Five little pug pups going trick or treat. The first one says, “I hope I get a sweet!” The second one says, “There’s a ghost beside the stair.” The third one says, “I won’t be scared!” The fourth one says, “There’s a shadow on the floor.” The fifth one says, “Let’s knock at the door.” Briiiiiing! Goes the bell. And on goes the light. And five little pug pups bark with delight. Trick or treat! The 12 Days of Easter Blog Tour starts tomorrow! Hop on over to these wonderful blogs to learn more about The 12 Days of Easter by reading interviews and reviews. You'll also have the chance to enter a giveaway for a paperback copy of the book!
Here's the tour schedule: March 29th - Heidi Robbins w/ Heidi Reads - http://heidi-reads.blogspot.com/ March 30th - Jessica Harwood @lovelybookishdelights - https://www.instagram.com/lovelybookishdelights/ April 1 - Cathy Jeppsen w/ My Book a Day - http://mybookaday.com/ April 4 - Sandra Meaders w/ Life is What It's Called - https://lifeiswhatitscalled.blogspot.com/ April 5 - Bookworm Lisa - https://lisaisabookworm.blogspot.com/ April 6 - Crystal Job w/ Books are Sanity - http://booksaresanity.blogspot.com/ April 12 - Sydney Anderson w/ The Singing Librarian - https://www.singinglibrarianbooks.com/youth A little over two years ago, I signed a contract to publish my very first picture book as both author and illustrator. I'd always dreamed of illustrating my own stories, but it felt like such a huge hurdle. Many, many hours of work later, I'm so thankful to be able to say...I did it! It wasn't easy and pushed me to grow a lot as an artist, but it was also fun, joyful, and such a pleasure to be able to tell my story visually as well as verbally. This story is dear to my heart and works well on multiple levels: it's a great read-aloud, a playful counting book, and most of all a story about loving and serving others the way Christ would. I hope you'll love it as much as I do!
Ten Little Disciples just came out yesterday and I'm running a blog tour and giveaway starting tomorrow! I'm doing things a little differently this time and have a big box of books ready to personalize for sale. If you're interested in personalized copies, you can order them here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfvjwkR49zJrrfNvLB3ZRK5gDEh9RLwLWDwzpjCBU8SNCxELQ/viewform?usp=sf_link You can also order the book online wherever you like. Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Ten-Little-Disciples-Sierra-Wilson/dp/1649600720 Barnes&Noble:https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/10-little-disciples-sierra-wilson/1139991567?ean=9781649602626 During the blog tour, you can read reviews about 10 Little Disciples, enter the book giveaway, and read my author interview. Here's the schedule: August 12th - My Book a Day http://mybookaday.com/ August 14th - Heidi Reads http://heidi-reads.blogspot.com/ August 16th - Bookworm Lisa http://lisaisabookworm.blogspot.com/ August 17th - Geo Librarian https://geolibrarian.blogspot.com August 18th - Rachelle Christensen https://rachellechristensen.com/reviews/ August 19th - Books are Sanity http://booksaresanity.blogspot.com/ August 20th - Singing Librarian Books https://www.singinglibrarianbooks.com/youth August 23rd - Life is What it's Called http://lifeiswhatitscalled.blogspot.com/ Thank you all so much for your love and support. I hope you're all safe, well, and soaking up some lovely summer sun! Hugs, Sierra Srilaksana Suntarahut was one of the first Church members in Thailand. She spent years of her life leading the translation efforts for the Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price in Thai. I hope you enjoy her inspiring story as much as I did! ![]()
I wanted to make some little Easter coloring pages for you to enjoy during the holiday. Feel free to download and color them! I'd love to see your work in the comments. Happy Easter!
Dear readers, I have a really cool story to share this month. Ever since beginning work on Standout Saints, I've had many special experiences connecting with people as I've learned about Church history heroes. Recently, Lisa, the oldest daughter of one of the heroes in my book, contacted me. She told me that she and her daughter decided to go to a bookstore. Lisa's daughter wanted to get Standout Saints, but Lisa was hesitant. Finally, she gave in. Later, as they were reading the book, they realized something special: there, at the back of the book, was Lillian Toft Ashby--Lisa's mother and her daughter, Toft's, namesake. Lisa and I began chatting and I learned so much more about Lillian's amazing story. I'm excited to share parts of it with you as this month's Standout Saints bonus chapter! I know it's been such a rough time lately, but I hope you will still feel peace and joy during this Easter season. It's one of my favorite times of year, and I've been thinking about how we can feel the Savior's peace no matter our external circumstances. More than that, His most important gifts are always on offer: love, forgiveness, and hope for eternal life with those dearest to us. Wishing you all a very happy Easter! With love, Sierra ![]()
In honor of Black History month, I researched and wrote about an incredible saint from Ghana. Joseph W.B. Johnson helped share the gospel and build up the Church for over a decade before meeting with missionaries and receiving baptism. He played a huge role in helping the Church grow in Ghana and his faith and sacrifices are an inspiration. I can't wait to share his story with you. You can download the bonus chapter I wrote below. I simply ask that you not reproduce or share it, except for personal use. Thank you! ![]()
AuthorWelcome to the blog of children's author/illustrator, Sierra Wilson. Thanks for stopping by! Archives
August 2023
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